Master Parry

Master Parry
List: Master Warrior Ranger Monk
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Instant

This skill may be used to parry any physical blow including special attacks such as Critical Attack, Stunning Blow, Disarm, or a blow that does damage, but not the Slay skill. This skill can be used even if it is delivered from behind, but not if from a surprise attack; therefore it is impossible to parry an Assassinate skill. It is also possible to parry an attack directed against someone else as long as they are within weapons length. A character cannot use a ranged attack to parry an attack for another. The character may block any low magic or Nature Magic spell that is not combined with a Perfect Aim skill for another character, but they then take the effect of the spell and must call an appropriate defense that will stop the spell in order to avoid the effects of the spell themselves.

For example, Drokk is fighting three brigands. One of them runs away into the woods. The fight with the last two continues for a while. The two brigands move around so they are on opposite sides of Drokk, then one of them, from behind, uses the Speed and Stun skills against Drokk. Drokk might not have seen the blow coming, but he knew his opponent was there and uses his Master Parry skill to stop the attack. Distracted, Drokk does not see the third brigand sneaking back up to him. This one sees his chance and uses a Shatter Weapon skill against Drokk from behind and surprise. Drokk cannot use his Master Parry skill to stop this attack and calls his Invulnerability spell to stop the attack. Now Drokk is really mad and the brigands are in for a tough time.

A character must have one Proficiency skill per Master Parry skill they wish to purchase. So, a character that wants three Master Parry skills must have three Proficiency skills. The Master Parry skill can be used with any weapon the character has two Proficiency skills of either type. Therefore, if the character has two Master Proficiency skills they can use their Master Parry with any weapon.

The character must call “Master Parry” when they use this skill. This skill is always used once called.

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